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Jay and Marie’s Auckland news 2019

Posted on Dec 23, 2019 in Auckland, Jay & Marie |

Greetings to our family and friends,

As the years go by and we slowly age, our news becomes less exciting as
far as travelling but more centred on activities here at St Andrews Retirement Village where we have lived for the past 7 years. We go on organised trips out of Auckland plus various musical shows which are always enjoyable.

We always look forward to visits from our family when they stay for a few days, but always feel sad when they have to leave….so sad that our 6 children live so far away!

However the internet is a great way of communicating.

It is interesting to hear how our grandchildren are now beginning to travel overseas as Jay & I did when we met in London over 60 years ago. Then our children followed on, but most of them have stayed overseas…now their children are doing the same…

Firstly Isabella started her OE travelling to Europe, where she met Ben (Frenchman) and now lives in Paris with him while continue work in the media industry
Ella has been touring around Europe for the past 5 months, but is returning to Melbourne at the end of this year to do a Masters in Science next year.

Amelia is our very talented Ballerina who is currently studying at the Hamburg Ballet Academy in Germany, where so was awarded a scholarship.
Finally this year, John’s eldest son Connor (born in Dublin) has recently travelled to London & Paris with his girlfriend (both staying with Isabella & Ben ) they visited so many amazing places in such a short time…oh to be young and fit again!
Also Alex’s son Thomas lives in Europe so he has head start when he becomes independent and decides to travel!

We are also lucky to still have our siblings still with us in Auckland, where we meet up regularly.

Last Xmas we stayed in Wellington first with Karl, Bonnie and their 3 girls, then on to Greytown in Sth Waiarapa with Clare & Marco, where Karl, Bonnie & girls joined us for Xmas Day for a couple of nights which was great to all be together.

This year we are spending time in Wellington and the Wairapapa region again to stay a couple of nights with Karl & Bonnie plus girls then on to Clare & Marco’s in Greytown for a Xmas break.

We wish you all a great year ahead in 2020!

Love, Marie & Jay

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