Kevin and Teresa’s Melbourne News 2019

The 2019 year has been very busy for the four of us, with plenty of travel and adventures!
We all managed a few weeks together in Europe in August. A great holiday in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Isabella came down from France to enjoy Lisbon with us and to continue travelling with Ella in Spain.
Ella worked very hard to finish her Bachelor of Science degree (well done) and at the same time working for a legal list and in hospitality jobs, saving for her trip to Europe with friends. She has been travelling for a few month now and will be back in Melbourne for the New Year.
Amelia has continued her studies at the Hamburg ballet school, dancing with the Company for some of their performances and representing the school at a 2 day Workshop in Essen. The workload has intensified in this 2nd year to prepare the students for company life. Next year is another big one as she has accepted an apprentice position for a year with the Hamburg ballet company, starting in August
Teresa took on the challenge of moving to Enschede in the Netherlands in Sept for a year working at the University of Twente, teaching English. She is able to travel regularly to Hamburg.
Kevin was able to visit Alex and family in Chavanay in France as part of the trip to Europe. They helped setup some great road cycling days with a friend of theirs who knew all the best rides including Alpe d’Huez and Les Due Alpes.
He has continued working in Melbourne, keeping active and looking after Ruby the dog.
We hope 2019 has been a good year for you and would love to hear from you.
Love Kevin, Teresa, Ella and Amelia