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Welly Christmas from Karl and Bonnie 2019

Posted on Dec 18, 2019 in Karl & Bonnie, Wellies South Coast | 1 comment

Greetings and wishing you all happy a relaxing christmas holiday,

We are all looking forward to a good break at the beach, hopefully filled with sunshine and sands. 2019 has been a good year but not without it challenges in our family and also across the world as we come to terms with the affects of climate change on our weather systems, impacts to infrastructure and roading, loss of coastlines and ecological extinction of species. We hope we can try and make a considered impact on our local environment in 2020…

We started off having a fun break camping up the Kapiti Coast, which is notably warmer than our South Coast! but unfortunately we had to come back early due to Molly having her forearm in a cast and it needing a new water proof plaster (2nd time break). We rolled in January and a good summer of sports, music festivals and outdoor fun 🙂

Molly’s highlights for the year were

  • her regular horse riding at the Ohario Riding School, where so got to care for a horse called Cookie, who was sometimes challenging but she thoroughly enjoyed to ride.
  • She did well in atheletics again this year making it to the Wellington regional champs for her age group in both cross country in July and in the 200 m sprints in November. The hard yards that Bonnie or Karl and Molly put in training with her in the rain and mud at the Houghton Bay shool track paid off 🙂

She enjoyed going to school at Saint Frances de Sales, making new friends and a great teacher Katy who supported and encouraged her throughout the year – 2020 will be her final year at this school. She also enjoyed playing in the netball team where Karl volunteered as a umpire and managed to learn the rules of the game! She progressed and enjoyed playing in the centre position and was great for her to get a player of the day award.

Molly had a enjoyable school camp at Makihika (in the Tararuas near Otaki)

Lilly-Anne’s highlights for the year were

  • Progressing with her violin, she has become more accomplished with playing fluent songs and tunes, and has been rewarded for her diligent daily practice during term,
  • Taking up circus class where she learnt lot’s of cool techniques including static trapese, chinese silks, floor balancing games as well as making new friends

Lilly-Anne also enjoyed school at Saint Frances de Sales, and has taken an interest into reading and writing. She has definitely got the bookworm bug from Pearl and would happily read through a novel a week during the terms. It great to see her love of writing and this may progress later in a career in the field…

Rose has definitely shot up this year and height and although she is still the smallest in the family she certainly can hold her own at playtime / dance time 🙂 She is in her second year at Saint Frances de Sales and has a great group of friends there.

Rose’s highlights for the year were

  • Progressing with her piano playing, with the help of Pearl and Bonnie so can play fluently with both hands and again her diligent daily practice has helped her music reading and playing.
  • Going to gym class – learning plenty of tumble routines with trampline and balancing activities – as well as making new friends

Bonnie has enjoyed continuing her work practice at Captal Eye Specialists – which has been both busy and rewarding where she has managed several glaucoma research studies with Pharmaceutical companies (worldwide). As well she has kept her yoga practice regular as well as keeping up as a teaching assistant at Te Aro Astanga and enjoyed going to the gym.

Karl has had a busy and enjoyable year continuaing to work for IR on their Transformation Programme, mostly in there KiwiSaver programme of work working with the business to ensure quality services for members, whilst delivering new API interfaces for KiwiSaver Providers.

He has enjoyed taken up more bicycling to work on a Merida ebike, which certianly helps push through the strong norwester winds and long hills! Additionally he has enjoyed attending regular Boxfit classes and yoga classes.

Our end of year highlight has been welcoming the newest member of our family – Cooper, who is a Vizla cross with a Labrador. He is still just a puppy but with plenty of energy which the girls love and he is keeping them entertained non stop at present!

Take care everyone,
Wishing you safe holidays and enjoyable break – and look forward to welcoming in the new decade with hope that we bring positive sustainable change into the world for out future generations.

Love Karl, Bonnie, Molly, Lilly-Anne and Rose

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1 Comment

  1. omg the girls are so Tall

    You all look well and happy which is fantastic

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