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Happy New Year from the Russo’s

Posted on Dec 31, 2007 in Annemarie & Ron, Atlanta | 0 comments

Happy New Year!

Another year has flown by and tomorrow is a New Year. We welcome in the New Year with many hopes and dreams, but for me, this year, will be with thanks and determination to keep moving forward. As I look back on this past year and reflect on all that has passed I am thankful that we have had a great year filled with fun, adventure, loving, learning, sadness and joy!
We started off the year by selling our two year old home in Alpharetta and moving to a bigger home in the horse country part of Alpharetta, called Milton. We are now living on 1 ½ acres and our neighbors are not so close. There are horses in the pasture behind us with views down the road. We love our new home and hope to be here for many years. This Christmas has been fun to decorate and enjoy the grandeur of our new home.

Isabella finished off her 5th grade year at elementary school with the president’s award for straight A’s in May. She is no longer Ice Skating, much to our dismay. However she has taken on a new sport, the love of horse riding. She is thoroughly enjoying grooming, tacking and riding just around the corner from our home. Isabella is still playing the Cello and we have enjoyed a few concerts this year with her class mates.

This summer in June we took a family vocation to Barbados. We were on the Island for two fun filled weeks of swimming, snorkeling, hiking, exploring and enjoying the island way of life. The most relaxing part of our trip was to wake up each morning with the sound of waves lapping underneath our bedroom window and then again in the evening to go to sleep to. The Barbadians were very nice friendly people not unlike New Zealanders, with their friendly smiles and hospitality. Cricket was their main sport and they had just hosted the world championship games on the island this year. Our trip brought us home refreshed and relaxed with eagerness to return to the Caribbean.

Isabella started 6th grade in August, at her new school, North Western Middle School. She has made many new friends there and is enjoying her new school and environment. She has a different teacher for all her subjects and is very organized and achieving good grades. Apart from taking English, Math, Science, Social Studies each day, she is also taking Spanish, Orchestra and specials, i.e. P.E. And Health. Next school year she hopes to be on the track and field team and play in a group sport team.

On September 17th Isabella turned 12 years old. We celebrated here at home with a movie party theme and great games and activities. I think one of the highlights of her party was when all the girls rolled down our front hill and then ran down the road screaming!

Ron has continued on with his Automotive Consulting business based here from home. He has traveled throughout the year to various jobs but has but has been a great help to be home to help me with Isabella. In September, Ron decided he would buy into his brother, Chris’s business, Adirondack Technology. We are a web based business as well as direct sells to the installers of video surveillance cameras and equipment. You can visit our web site at our goal is to get the Georgia Division up and running with at least three sales people by the end of 2008!

My real estate business has grown with leaps and bounds. I know have a solid foundation with extreme determination and knowledge. I am already starting the New Year off with two multimillion dollar new listings!! Even though sales have been slow, I continue to work with qualified buyers and my goal this year is to double my sales volume and sale some of the big ones!

Max and Calli have had an extremely happy, fun filled year with plenty of new adventure. They are continued to be loved not only by us but all who come to our door. There is never a lap that is not sat in or a new face to lick!! Each and every morning they look forward to a good walk and a good chase after the naughty squirrels. I have started to retrain them with the power and wisdom of the “Dog Whisper”. Hopefully there will be less barking and screaming at the front door when a visitor arrives!!!

This Thanksgiving we were fortunate to have Ron’s brother Chris and his girlfriend Andrea here for a week to celebrate Thanksgiving. We were extremely grateful to have their fantastic help and support in setting up our new business. We all had some good laughs, drinks, eats and enjoyed the warm weather.

Our Christmas has been relaxing and eventful. Isabella celebrated a fun filled Saturday with her girlfriends while they each made Christmas cookies and opened gifts in a gift exchange. Two days before Christmas Dimitri & Sheri arrived to bring good cheer and we all celebrated together in our new home.

Once again I wish you and yours a very Happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year! We embrace 2008 with excitement and enthusiasm and hope it will be very prosperous!!!

Cheers and have a good one!!

Ron, Annemarie, Isabella, Max & Calli.

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