Welly Christmas from Clare, Marco and Joshua 2016

Kia Ora Family and Friends,
Welcome to Clare , Marco’s and Joshua’s Christmas Newsletter.
Reflecting on this year, it has been one of our best years with the positive changes and goals set out we have achieved and it’s nice to sit back and pat ourselves on the back and hope for another positive year in 2017.
The main highlights were:
Clare had her first full year at the Wellington Chamber of Commerce and is thoroughly enjoying her new role.
Marco had many job interviews through the year and eventually landed a great position with the Capital and Coast District Health board as a Human Resources Advisor.
Joshua was grown up fast and had a great year. He has been enjoying going to the Youth club and Baptist Church. Josh is inspired to be a psychologist and is looking forward to another challenging year ahead with year 10 which brings new learnings and challenges at Hutt Valley High School.
Clare turned 50 years old in August! It was celebrated in style with family and friends at the Museum Hotel on the top floor in the biggest hotel room.
Joshua also travelled to the States with his Dad and partner Tracey in September. They stayed with Michael’s dad (Joshua’s grandad) Larry Hill at his home in San Francisco. At the end of this year Larry Hill passed away at the age of 75 years. Joshua had met Larry a couple of times before and enjoyed communicating with him on face book.
Clare and Marco had a great trip away in Singapore in October for 6 days. It was one of the best trip away with much to see with the food markets, range of food and restaurants , tropical green gardens, their amazing zoo and plenty of walking!.
We have enjoyed the visits to Auckland spending time with Clare’s parents – Marie and Jay. It has been a tough year for both Dad and Mum and slowly we have seen small positive changes with Dad improving. We pray Jay (dad) continues to get better and that there is less pressure put on Marie (mum).
This year we bought a section in the Wairarapa (Greytown) and are looking at building a new home there in 12 months – 18 months. We are looking forward to the relaxing life style that awaits us!
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Love Clare, Marco and Joshua