Clare, Marco and Joshua’s Welly Christmas 2017

Dear Family and Friends,
We had a busy year started with New Years and Xmas with John Boy, Maz and the boys. We had a great time and Josh enjoyed catching up with his Aussie cousins. Highlights were going to the wildlife park -Crocodile farm and the Mossman Gorge was a great day out.
Not long after returning from Cairns we organised the go head to build a new home in Greytown with builders to start Feb 2018, with a completion date next October. We have now sold our current house and happy with the sale price. We are looking forward for the next 11 months of no gardens, lawns or house maintenance to do!
Marco and I had an around the world trip for 4 weeks in June, travelling first to Holland staying with Marco’s brother’s family and spending time with Rinus (Marco’s dad). It was special to have Alex stay in Dordrecht with us and even though it was a very short visit we were able to jam pack in a lot of activities together with catching up with good friends, going to the local music festival in the park on our bikes, eating fresh fish on a Sunday at the market, clothes shopping to daily biking into town and soaking up the Dutch culture.
From Dordrecht we flew to Madrid to temps of 48 degrees! We enjoyed the ambience of the city, the food and culture.
Our final destination before we headed home was Atlanta, Georgia, USA, where we really enjoyed our time with Annemarie and Ron , going out to to some great restaurants and meeting up with their friends. Even though the time flew by it was a memorable trip away .
Clare and Marco 2017
Laura (Marco�s sister in law) with Alex & Clare - Dordrecht
Clare and Alex Europe Summer 2017
Madrid @ 48 degrees
Clare and Marco with Annemarie and Ron, Milton, GA 2017
Joshua and friend
Josh’s granddad Larry passed away in July and Michael’s family had a Memorial Service for him in San Francisco. Josh went with Michael and Tracey to the States for two weeks.
We have seen Josh grow to 1.9 metres this year making him now taller than his dad which is quite impressive especially at the age of 15 years! Josh is doing well at school and had his NCEA level one (5th form exams) in November.
On the work front Marco was in a HR position at the local hospital (DHB) in Wellington for 9 months however ended up moving back into a better position as a Senior Recruitment Specialist.
I am enjoying my second year as a Business Development Manager with Wellington Chamber/Business Central and my monthly business visits to Nelson
Much love for a Happy Xmas and a Healthy, Prosperous New Year!
Love Clare , Marco and Josh xxxxooo