Jay & Marie’s Auckland News 2017

Greetings from “Ye olde couple” now retired in Auckland….
Even though we are now in a Retirement Village we seem to be busier than ever, especially around this time of year. Fortunately we are both well, which is a bonus! Jay especially has slowly improved month by month after his disastrous anxiety/depression illness which came on him suddenly Mother’s Day May, 2016. He is happily walking well again and is back to his happy disposition thankfully.
Our year has been occupied with helping Jay with his health issues. Kevin flew over from Melbourne mid January for a week to help Jay plus me with a long list of “things to be done” which was marvellous, he came back early Aug arriving on Jay’s Birthday which was a wonderful surprise. Clare & Marco flew up from Wellington a few times to help as well as Karl, who has been outstanding helping especially with IT jobs where I needed help.
We flew to Cairns at the end of June to visit John, Marilyn and their 3 boys for 2 weeks during their school holidays. Karl, Bonnie and their 3 girls flew there also, so we had a great catch up with “our twins”and their 6 children all told!
We are very fortunate to still have our siblings here in Auckland, although 2 of Jay’s brothers live in Brisbane and Sydney. We meet up frequently with our Auckland siblings and consider ourselves lucky as my older sister Colleen turns 88 years next July and we (including husbands and wives) are all in our mid 70/80’s.
We enjoy the festivities organised here at St Andrews Village, Glendowie. Recently St Andrews celebrated their 60 years Anniversary with a concert held at Sacred Heart Boys College Theatre which is next door and Jay and I were in the choir!!
Clare & Marco are spending Christmas here with us in Auckland which will be great and Annemarie is flying here on the 29th January to spend 2 weeks with us, which we are eagerly awaiting her arrival, as we haven’t seen her for over 4 years!!
We are “hoping” to have Alex, John & Thomas arrive next year to live…fingers crossed !
Happy New Year 2018 to all
Love Marie and Jay