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Kevin and Teresa’s Melbourne News for 2018

Posted on Dec 24, 2018 in Kevin & Teresa, Melbourne | 0 comments

Merry Christmas everyone.

It’s a pleasure to tell you all about the year that’s been.

Ella finished her third year at Melbourne University studying Science. Turned 21 (it was a year of 21st’s). Not long to go now and then her plans will take her travelling to Europe. During 2018 she enjoyed a ski holiday to Queenstown and then loved her time visiting Marie and Jay in Auckland.

It was another year of friends and freedom dispersed with working delivering briefs to barristers around the city. Netball continued with the Jellybeans (with many of the same team members since grade 2).

After auditions in 6 ballet schools around Europe in March (during the weather storm known as the beast from the east!) and being offered positions at 5 of them, Amelia decided to move from the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School to the Hamburg Ballet School in Germany in August.

Amelia has done so well adjusting to a busy life at the new school as well as fending for herself, shopping, cooking and cleaning in student accommodation 10 minutes from the school. She has come back for just over a couple of weeks before she returns to school in their winter (brrr cold…)

Teresa travelled to Europe with Amelia in March and then in August, helping her to get established there. She spent so much time in Ikea in Hamburg that she doesn’t care if she was never to visit Ikea there again. She visited the beautiful city of Copenhagen and spent time with cousins in London. They both loved visiting Paris in August. Teresa also had a trip to Vanuatu with Ange her sister and John her brother earlier in the year.

Kevin dismantled the back garden and is slowly rebuilding it to the new design. The concrete was poured the weekend prior to this Christmas much to his relief. Progress was hampered by the replacement of the main sewer line through the foundations he had dug.

Cycling and running have kept Kevin fit but those pesky running injuries have made training interesting. Work at the new employer has been a good change.

We hope 2018 was kind to you and we wish you peace and joy for Christmas and for 2019.
Love from Amelia, Ella, Teresa and Kevin

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