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The Cairns Crew 2009

Posted on Dec 20, 2009 in Cairns, John & Marilyn | 1 comment

Hi Everyone

Merry Christmas to you all,

mazs-38th-birthday.jpgAs for previous years we are looking forward to having a relaxing break over the next few weeks. We will be spending the first few days of the holidays up in Mossman with Jim and Ethel, Nathan and Richelle and their three children, Marilyn’s Aunty Marie and Pat and Richelle’s parents. Christmas day will be at Nathan and Richelle’s place this year.

Then we are going on an eight day camping/Dinosaur exploring trip in Central Queensland. We will be visiting Undara Lava Caves, Porcupine Gorge, Hughenden, Richmond, Winton and Lark Quarry. The first part of the trip will be camping and visiting lava caves and then some more camping at the picturesque Porcupine Gorge (see photo attached).

The second part of the trip we will visit Dinosaur Museums and dinosaur fossil sites. The boys are really looking forward to this and from what I have heard the fossil sites and dinosaur exhibits are very interesting. The Lark Quarry Dinosaur Trackways are the world’s only recorded evidence of a dinosaur stampede, which inspired the stampede scene in Steven Spielberg’s movie “Jurassic Park”.

Refer to the website:

img_4031.jpgThe three boys have had a great year generally. Connor has taken up competitive swimming for the summer and has got his mothers swimming talents! He has entered two FNQ swim meets and has competed well for his age. Aidan has also been swimming in mini squad and enjoying it. Even Bryce is showing his swimming talents. He is able to swim freestyle as he copies off his older brothers!

Connor and Aidan enjoyed school this year, with Connor completing grade 3 and Aidan completing grade 1. They both had excellent school reports and have lots of good friends at school. They both played really well in Under 6 and Under 8 football this year, with Aidan’s team doing particularly well for their first season. I enjoyed coaching Connor’s team for the third year in a row.

cab_xmas-photo_2009.jpg Bryce will be attending Kindergarten next year for two days a week and possibly Daycare for a third day. He is excited about going to Kindergarten and should really enjoy it. Bryce will also be able to join in the Squirts football program next year for 3-5 year olds on Saturday mornings. I will give the program co-ordinator a hand in running it.

porcupine-gorge.jpg Maz has had another busy year running round after our three boys as well as taking up part time work in a couple of jobs. At present she works two days a week at Jim and Ethel’s farm helping with packing paw paws, and general farm duties. Her other job has been working as a Babysitter for a company called Executive Home Duties. She typically works on the weekend nights babysitting for families who are on holiday in Cairns. So she is happy to be working part time but also to be able to look after the boys needs as well. She is able to help out with reading at school, takes them to art classes, swimming classes, and helped out with the school fete.

I have had a busy year at work again, probably a bit too busy at times for my liking. However the holidays are upon us and it will give me a chance to recharge my batteries as they say.

Good health to you all and all the best for 2010.

Lots of Love

John, Maz, Connor, Aidan & Bryce

Related Images:

1 Comment

  1. Love the three musketers in Santas hats beamimg away, enjoy your break away xx

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