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The Yankee Russo’s 2010

Posted on Dec 16, 2010 in Annemarie & Ron, Atlanta | 0 comments

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2010 has been an exceptional good year for the Russo’s.

ReeRonIsabella_2010.jpgEven though Christmas is nearly here, as I reflect back on this year I am thankful to have my health and been blessed with a wonderful loving family.

The school year in the US starts at the end of August for most states. This year Isabella started High School as a freshman. A big giant leap from Middle School! As she is nearing the end of her first term and final exams will be next week.

isabella_ron.jpgSo far the school year is going very well for her and she has made many new friends. Her grades are very good so far and next year she will work towards been in more honors classes. Starting in February, Isabella assures me that she will be trying out for the track and field team. She is still to find her after school niche, however she attends a photography club and tried out for the circ de sole team.

Home coming was a lot of fun this year and I hosted a pre-dance party/photo session at my good friends, the McGraw’s home. They have a spectacular property with a beautiful lake as a back drop for excellent photographs at dusk. All who attended had a wonderful time and the dance was held in a big tent under the stars with fun music and refreshments.

ReeRon_2010.jpgRon has a position in the car business working in Florida at present and Isabella and I have enjoyed our monthly commute to visit him. It has been a nice break away from the normal day to day life here to fly down to Ron and just kick back and enjoy the tropical weather of South Florida. We will be driving down to Ron on December 22, and returning after the New Year.

This year in the real estate world has a very rewarding year for me. I have not given up and perused through some tough times. This year I have sold over $12 million in sales and have hired a part time assistant to help with my business and on occasion will use a buyer’s agent to help me with my overflow of buyers. My client date base has grown and I continue to list new homes and sale my existing inventory. I only hope this good luck will continue into 2011.

Our three dogs, Max, Calli & Georgia are all enjoying their youthful doggie days. So far all are faring well and look forward to their morning walks with me.

Georgia the French Bull dog did get quite sick in September. The vet discovered that she had an inflamed pancreas. She was getting too much fat from her dog food. I nursed her back to good health and started her on new dog food. She is now filled out again and pulling me along on our walks.

I hope this Christmas will be a merry one and that the New Year will bring many blessing, health, wealth and happiness to everyone.

Ron, Annemarie & Isabella. (A.K.A. The Russo’s)

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