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Xmas Greetings 2010 from Jay & Marie

Posted on Dec 25, 2010 in Jay & Marie, Rotorua | 0 comments

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Xmas greetings from Marie & Jay in Rotorua, NZ, as once again another year draws to a close.

We have had a reasonably quiet year, which has enabled Marie to continue playing 18 holes golf twice per week, depending on the weather and Jay walks with a Walking group twice per week as well.

Last January 18th, Jay had a cataract removed from his right eye, which, we were told by the Specialist, would be a simple operation, as most people feel these days. Unfortunately the “simple” operation turned sour for Jay, where an infection set in, after every precaution was heeded stringently.

It took awhile to recover, as it seemed to affect his whole body for quite some time. This was most unfortunate, as he was due to walk the St. James Walkway, in the Hamner Forest Park area with a few friends, but had to cancel reluctantly. He is planning to do the same walk end of Feb. this year.

We seem to have lost very dear friends this year, as happens, when one gets older. A very dear friend and close neighbour from our early years of marriage in Birkenhead, Auckland, Sylvia Butler died in March, she had been failing for some time. She was my mentor when each our of our 6 children arrived and we have kept in close contact. We travelled up for her “wake” at her son John’s place in Balmoral, Auckland. It was great to catch up with his family, as well as his sisters Shona and Annette and their families. Annette was Marie’s right hand helping with the many chores with a young family, as she loved babies, bless her.

Lynch Family Reunion - Rotorua Mar 10 We seemed to have quite a few friends and family come to stay here with us during March thru to May. It was very enjoyable and relaxing, rather than our usual driving to visit so many away from Rotorua.

At the end of May, we were shocked to hear the death of a good friend of Kevin’s from school and Uni days, Jan Corbett, who died of an inoperable brain tumour at the young age of 47hrs. She was a very talented investigative journalist, who had been deemed one of NZ finest during her career. Her funeral in Auckland was packed with well known NZ journalists, which we attended.

Marie’s elder sister Colleen Birch turned 80yrs at the beginning of July. She has outlived my parents and her brothers & sisters are now following closely behind. The world is getting younger!

Our grandson Joshua (8yrs) now living in Wellington, flies up each school holidays to stay a few days with us, which keeps us still in close contact with him.

Stu OConnell with Jay Marie - Rarotonga Aug 10 At the beginning of August, Jay and Marie visited Raratonga to attend the celebrations of a good friend of Jay’s from Silverstream College days, Bishop Stuart O’Connell. He celebrated 50yrs in the Priesthood. Wonderful celebrations were arranged with feasting and dancing. We enjoyed the warmth away from our cold winter for a week.

Welcome Dancers - Rarotonga Aug 10 Jay & Marie Coupe car - Rarotonga Aug 10 Jay at Forest - Rarotonga Aug 10 Marie at Beach - Rarotonga Aug 10




At the end of August, we drove down to Wellington to spend 5 days with Clare & Marco & Joshua, to see their home in Korokoro, Lower Hutt and hear first hand about their great trip to Holland & France.

Maries birthday 28th Aug10Then we spent 5 days with Bonnie, Karl, Molly & Lilly-Anne in their home, now in Island Bay, Wellington, having shifted from Queenstown just after Easter. A big change for them all. It was good to catch up with good friends and relatives whilst in Wellington as well, when we had plenty of time to visit at leisure.

Towards the end of September, Kevin travelled over from Melbourne with Ella (13yrs) and Amelia (9yrs) plus their violins and flute. It was delightful to hear them practicing each day with Kevin helping.

Ella & Amelia Horse Riding Rotorua Sept 2010 Nana Marie Ella & Amelia Sep10 Kevin & Poppa Jay Rotorua Sept 20




They didn’t waste a minute of the week spent with us in Rotorua, visiting tourist locations, horse-riding and riding on the luge up Mt. Ngongotaha. Each night we had a serious competition playing Stock Market, where Ella seemed to win each time!! Amelia was the prudent banker!

We have missed seeing our other grandchildren this year…Isabella now 15yrs in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Thomas now 4yrs in Chavonay, Loire, France and Connor 9yrs, Aidan 7yrs & Bryce 4yrs all in Cairns, Australia. Maybe this coming year, we hope to catch up with them.

Vistas at Poronui Nov10We have recently spent 5 days at the Poronui Estate not far out of Taupo with Jay’s brother Peter & wife JaneMary, plus my brother Brian & wife Heather Lynch and another couple from Wanganui. Great atmosphere with lovely walks, plenty of deer running around the Estate. Check it out on

Christmas this year will be spent in Rotorua, with Clare, Marco & Joshua, plus Karl, Bonnie, Molly(3 1/2 yrs) and Lilly-Anne (21 months 1/2 ) all driving up from Wellington.
We hope you all have a happy and blessed Christmas with good health in the New Year.

Best Wishes,
Marie & Jay

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