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Merry Xmas from the Melbourne Menzies & Devines 2011

Posted on Dec 21, 2011 in Kevin & Teresa, Melbourne | 0 comments

KevTootsGirls_Fiji2011 We have had a great year in 2011, working and playing hard.

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Both Amelia and Ella have been doing very well at school in both academia and sport. Amelia sounds great on the saxophone playing “Sing Sing Sing” for the end of year school concert (photo) . She loves dancing; ballet (grade 3), jazz and tap. She danced in the school production of Mary Poppins.

Ella had a full year 8 at Genazzano secondary school this year with flute, netball (3 games a week) and rowing (she is the stroke (rightmost) in this photo of her crew winning their first regatta). She can’t fit all her previous activities in, so the surf life saving is lower key this summer with just some patrolling at the beach.

amelia_ballet_grd3 amelia_ballet_show Ella_Rowing_Jubilation ella_rowing_medal







Kevin and Teresa both continue to enjoy their work in information technology at Toll andteaching at Melbourne University.

The four of us had a well deserved break in Fiji during the year, sharing the fun with Teresa’s brother’s family – check these out -> hi, beach colour, waving and sunset.

TootsGirls_Fiji2011 Fiji_Waves Fiji_Sunset  Roxy and Amelia







Well that is our year in a nutshell; busy, fun and blessed. We have a ton of photos to share; contact us and we’ll send you the links.

Its a big Jan for Teresa who will be turning 50th so there will be plenty of celebrating with the Devines!

We hope that family and friends have a wonderful Christmas and 2012 brings much joy and good health. We’re praying for Jay who is slowly but steadily getting better.

Love Kevin, Teresa, Ella and Amelia

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