Merry Xmas from the Melbourne Menzies 2012
Greetings from the Melbourne Menzies for 2012.
Our year has started and ended with holidays, with some work being done in-between.
We started with our traditional beach holiday at Ocean Grove, then travelled to Wellington for Clare and Marco’s wedding and onto Rotorua for Mum and Dads 50th anniversary.
Teresa and I are currently travelling in Cambodia sans Amelia and Ella, meeting some great people It’s a country of contrast and contradiction. We will be back for Christmas to celebrate my 50th birthday and more holidays at the beach.
We recently went to Angie Devine’s wedding in Melbourne, with the whole Devine family in great form.
Ella was in year 9 this year enjoying rowing, netball, Drama (Shakespeare’s As you like it, and Peter Pan) and camping. She toured Northern Europe at Easter with a school Flute ensemble.
Amelia was in grade 5 this year continuing Ballet (her first solo competition, grade 3 RAD exam and the big end of year performance). Amelia enjoyed gym, saxophone, long jump and running.
We wish you a happy Christmas and that 2013 brings you many wonderful things.
Love Kevin, Teresa, Ella and Amelia.